This shows that all the independent variables affect the dependent variable 54.2%, while the remaining 45,8% influenced by other variable not examined in this study. Based on the coefficient of determination (R 2) obtained value adjusted R square of 0.542. Untuk lebih lengkapnya lagi, definisinya dapat pahami seperti dibawah ini:1. Bentuk proposal skripsi itu terbagi pada dua bagian diantaranya adalah proposal skripsi mini dan juga proposal skripsi penuh. Partially showed that the earning per share (eps) and return on assets (roa) has a significant influence on stock prices, while dividend payout ratio (dpr) has no effect on stock prices. skripsi manajemen keuangan 4 variabel - Dan now kita akan bicara dari segi bentuk dari proposal skripsi itu. It is known that F count> F table (12.626> 2.90) indicates that the earning per share (eps), return on assets (roa), and dividend payout ratio (dpr) simultaneously significant effect on stock prices. From the testing that has been done, simultaneous regression test (Test F) note that Fhitung 12.626 and Ftable is 2.90 at the 5% level of confidence. The study consists of three independent variables, earning per share (eps), return on assets (roa), dividend payout ratio (dpr) and the dependent variable is the stock price. The analytical method used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis. ANALISIS PENGARUH ETIKA KERJA ISLAM TERHADAP KEPUASAN KERJA COMMITTEE ORGANISASIONAL DAN ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP behavior Studi Koperasi Jasa KEUANGAN Syariah BMT Hudatama Semarang. It is not that this is a Kind capable of changing the world. Judul skripsi jurusan ekonomi manajemen konsentrasi keuangan tahun 2017, judul sjripsi manajemen anggaran, judul proposal manajemen keuangan, contoh judul kripsi manajemen keuangan, contoh judul skripsi keuangan. This study aims to determine the effect of earning per share (eps), return on assets (roa), and dividend payout ratio (dpr) on stock price (empirical study on the automotive industry and components listed in Indonesia stock exchange 2011-2014). Near the city where the city which is located near the city is located. Skripsi Manajemen Keuangan PENGARUH KUANTITAS PENAWARAN SAHAM, UMUR PERUSAHAAN.